Upcoming Meetings

Department Head Meeting
12-11-2024 8:00 am
Plan Commission Meeting
12-11-2024 5:00 pm
Drainage Board
12-17-2024 5:00 pm
Commissioners Meeting
12-19-2024 5:00 pm
County Council Meeting
01-13-2025 6:00 pm

Clark County Council

Indiana Code 36-2-3 provides that the County Council is the fiscal body for county government. The official name is "The Clark County Council".

County Council Meetings are held at 6:00 P.M. in the Meeting Chambers, Room 103 of the Clark County Government Center.  Please contact Lindsey Wilmoth in the Auditor's Office 812-285-6219 if you wish to be placed on the Agenda. 

The council members serve four (4) year terms beginning January 1 after the election. One (1) member of the fiscal body shall be elected by the voters of each of the four (4) districts and must reside in that district. Three (3) At-large members of the fiscal body shall be elected by the voters of the whole county and must reside in the county.

The council has authority to view or review fiscal matters, determine proper policy and set priorities for the allocation and expenditure of county funds.

The general assembly determines the powers of a county council which typically are:

  • Approving and fixing annual operating budgets of all county government offices and agencies. (IC 36-2-5-11)
  • Establishing salaries, wages, per diems and other compensation for all county officials and employees. (IC 36-2-5-11)
  • Fixing tax rates and establishing levies on all county property for the purpose of raising funds to meet budget requirements in conducting county business, as well as authorizing the borrowing of money in the form of bonds and notes. (IC36-2-6-18)
  • Appropriating public funds, i.e., authorizing the expenditure of county money by particular officials or departments for specific purposes.
  • Authorizing certain purchases or sales of county owned land (IC 36-1-11-3) or other real property (36-2-2-20). 

County Council Meetings (NEW LOCATION)

Please be aware of the new County Council meeting location.

Normally scheduled county council meetings are held on the second Monday of every month. The County Council meetings are held at the Clark County Government Center, 300 Corporate Drive, Meeting Chambers, Room 103, Jeffersonville, IN 47130. The meetings begin at 6:00pm.

Council District Map

Meet your Clark County Council

Barbara Hollis - County Council

Barbara Hollis - Council President
1st District - Jeffersonville Twp. Precincts 1-18, 20-25, - All East of I-65.
Term Expires:  - 12/31/2026
P 812.989.1285 

 Ron Grooms

Ron Grooms
2nd District
Term Expires 12/31/2026
P 502-594-5154


Brian Lenfert
3rd District - Carr, Monroe, Silver Creek, Union, and Wood Twps. 
Term Expires: 12/31/2026

Steve Doherty - County Council

Steve Doherty
4th District - Bethlehem, Charlestown, Oregon, Owen, Utica, and WashingtonTwps.
Term Expires: 12/31/2026
P 502.263.3968

Kevin Vissing - County Council

Kevin Vissing - Clark County At-Large
Term Expires: 12/31/2024
P 812.989.5372


David Abbott - Clark County At-Large
Term Expires: 12/31/2024
P 502-931-4669

John Miller - Clark County At-Large
Term Expires: 12/31/2024
P. 812-207-8086

Maxwell McCrite, Council Attorney
P 812-949-1000
F 812-949-3773

County Council Meeting Minutes


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